Zhijia Zhang 张智嘉
Zhijia Zhang  张智嘉

I am a 4th-year PhD student at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University.

Office: 251 Mercer St., Room 609, New York, NY 10012

Email: zhijia.zhang AT cims.nyu.edu

Co-authors (in alphabetic order): Ivan Cheltsov, Brendan Hassett, Konstantin Loginov, Lisa Marquand, Alena Pirutka, Yuri Tschinkel, Kaiqi Yang

Papers (my arxiv page)

[10] Computing the equivariant Brauer group, (with A. Pirutka), 40 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[9] Birational invariants of volume preserving maps, (with K. Loginov), 34 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[8] Stable equivariant birationalities of cubic and degree 14 Fano threefolds, (with Yu. Tschinkel), 22 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[7] Modular symbols and equivariant birational invariants, 18 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[6] Equivariant geometry of singular cubic threefolds, II, (with I. Cheltsov, L. Marquand and Yu. Tschinkel), 51 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[5] Rationality of forms of M0,n, (with B. Hassett and Yu. Tschinkel), 35 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[4] Equivariant geometry of singular cubic threefolds, (with I. Cheltsov and Yu. Tschinkel), 65 pp., submitted, (2024) [arxiv]

[3] Equivariant geometry of the Segre cubic and the Burkhardt quartic, (with I. Cheltsov and Yu. Tschinkel), 39 pp., to appear in Selecta Math. [arxiv]

[2] Equivariant birational geometry of linear actions, (with Yu. Tschinkel and Kaiqi Yang), EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 11(2), 235–276, (2024) [journal], [arxiv]

[1] Combinatorial Burnside group, (with Yu. Tschinkel and Kaiqi Yang), Research in Number Theory 8(2), 17 pp., (2022) [journal], [arxiv]

Upcoming talks

[1] Courant, Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Oct.15 2024)

[2] Imperial College London, Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Oct.21 2024)

[3] University of Nottingham, Pure Mathematics Seminar (Oct.23 2024)

[4] ICMS Edinburgh, Birational Geometry and Number Theory (Oct.29 2024)

[5] UCLA (Jan 2025)


[1] Equivariant geometry of singular cubic threefolds, ZAG report, 5 pp., (2024)

Last update: Oct.8, 2024